Clients choose Hartley Homes because they understand our experience, integrity and commitment to customer service will make their dream home a reality in Kelowna, and the Central Okanagan.
Clients choose Hartley Homes because we are constantly raising the standards and building better homes, because we save them money, without cutting corners, and deliver the look and function exactly as promised.
At Hartley Homes we :
- build 24" wide reinforced concrete footings for a stronger foundation
- reinforce concrete walls to reduce potential cracks in walls
- use steel rebar in basement slabs to reduce cracking and heaving
- use CSA grade 4" PVC pipes to prevent the collapse of perimeter drainage systems
- use 14" floor joists for stronger stiffer floors
- use 2 x 8 studs framed 16" OC for stronger walls maximizing the in wall insulation
- use R-28 wall insulation exceeding the building code by 30%
- Use R-50 attic insulation exceeding the building code by 25%
- committed to exceeding customer expectations
- committed to clear communication with our clients throughout the entire building process
- eliminate frustration and stress
- make the process of building easy and rewarding
- deliver the look and function exactly as promised
- get the best value for your money
- have documented systems and controls so everyone understands the requirements
- build to meet code requirements and exceed customer expectations
- handle customer concerns before they become problems
Brian Roth
Hartley Homes & Consulting
“Quality Construction built for Life”
Phone (250) 808-1148 Fax (250) 765-0730
Central Okanagan Food Bank launches 50/50 draw to help feed the hungry
The Central Okanagan Food Bank’s Let’s Go 50/50 Raffle is back
for the third year. The COFB relies on community support through donations
to co...